Fast Company (1938 film)

Fast Company is a 1938 mystery film starring Melvyn Douglas and Florence Rice as married rarebook dealers who try to solve a murder case. It is based on the novel of the same name by Marco Page Harry Kurnitz. It was followed by two 1939 films featuring the fictional couple, Fast and Loose and Fast and Furious, though they were played by different actors in each. Apparently, cinema distributors were complaining about the time lag between The Thin Man movies, so MGM started this trilogy featuring married amateur sleuths. To avoid confusion with a 1953 MGM film of the same title, Fast Company was rechristened Rare Book Murder for television.

Eli Bannerman barges into Ottos office, despite the best efforts of secretary Julia Thorne. Otto is not pleased to see his business associate. He warns Eli that Joel is snooping around, but reluctantly agrees to take another shipment of fake first editions created by Sid Wheeler for 5000. Eli tells Sid that Otto only paid 2000. Incensed, Sid insists on going to see Otto to complain.That night, Otto is struck with a bust sitting on his desk and killed. Ned is the main suspect, especially since he was seen entering the office around the time of the murder. ........

Source: Wikipedia